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cheated tension of this publicity costs 20,000 yuan Yang Fan,replica louis vuitton handbags,, Beijing Science and Technology Development Center Wing Deshun employees were formerly known as Yankee. Including his account of the company's nine accused, the prosecution allegations have been pretending to Science and Technology Daily,luxury handbag,, China Education staff,discount louis vuitton handbags,, using the pseudonym,cheap louis vuitton handbags,, the use of particular victim or victims unit honors the machine, lied to in the press advertise an article to pay the publicity needs of the ground, has fraud Peking University, Tongji University, Capital University of Economics, Beijing Technology and Business University, Qufu, Shandong University and other demonstration many universities professors and units of 73,800 yuan.
yesterday morning, nine accused have pleaded guilty the prosecution alleged. Jiwen Hong head of the company, said the professors are more than he deceived the staff search the Internet, most of all just some kind of award scholars. Staff Huyou successful, get publicity in the 18% commission. His defense lawyer took out more than Science and Technology Daily and the China Education Daily, said that a number of articles above were published in the company's success shows that the company was not a deliberate fraud, but for various reasons, did not dispatch successfully. Science and Technology Daily and the China Education issue a certificate to the court said, does not authorize the company to name a newspaper or the newspaper staff to carry out any business. It is learned that the gang was arrested because one of the fellow jail for the crime, for meritorious service and reported this company, and deceived most of the professors or choose not to report nothing with this unit. The case is not handed down in court.