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newspaper 96706 hotline message (Xinhua Hou Yanyan) on July 31 evening,discount louis vuitton handbags,, a man actually walking naked on the street in Dong Yue,replica louis vuitton handbags,! After a lot of passing pedestrians in the men accused of man's uncivilized behavior,discount louis vuitton handbags,, but no one to take measures to rescue the man.

18:30,cheap louis vuitton handbags,, the people called the hotline, said Ms. Wang, a nude man appeared near Dong Yue Avenue Water Company building. 6:33, the reporter went downstairs to see the water company building, a man who stands about 1.8 meters, about 34-year-old naked man walking east. At this point the many pedestrian streets, but also a time when traffic peaks, many passers-by saw the man move. The man went straight forward, a lot of pedestrian streets have eyebrows or break out line. Men walked along the Dong Yue Wang Yuexi Road Junction Avenue, south reached the Lotus in front of the bus station. Bus driver said: black trousers out of the station, confirmed that the man is that the streets were walking in the nude male Dongyue. This reporter noted that man out of the station, picked up from time to time to bend the grass sticks and other debris.

Par ghdfhf le jeudi 03 mars 2011


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